
Add Value to Stand Out: Job Tips from Last Weekend's Local Career Conference

A local organization called Asian Focus held a career conference last weekend for local Chinese community. The conference invited a few seasoned professionals to talk about how to find a job, how to impress an employer/recruiter, how to polish your resume/cover letter, and how to use social media to land a job offer.
There was this speaker called Neal Hill that really impressed the audience. Neal Hill talked about how he got into starting up his own consulting business. He discussed how job seekers should avoid wearing the "I'm seeking an employment" hat, on the other hand, one should try to offer value to the organization before they even consider to help you. Neal Hill found most of his jobs through providing help to the organizations or people. Networks also helped his job search scope. 
Recommended by Neal Hill, one should think about how to add value even before your potential employer think about hiring you. Ask what they are dealing with, and tell how you can provide your second thoughts and help. 
These tips are not directly related to social media. This post is to tell you that searching jobs is not just about posting your resumes on LinkedIn or updating your Twitter status. It is about strategy as well. 
P.S. Wanna share something fun I saw from Guy Kawasaki's retweet...Make your usb cords in line...


Lookou said...

useful, but I think in practice we need more details.

What about the people now have a job to polish this resume in the future?

Jing Zhao said...

@ Lookou: That's a good question. I think it is important to have a good resume before using social media as self-branding outlets.

Neha Chhabra said...

Hi Jing, thanks for sharing tips from the job fair and for the extra tip about keeping the usb cord aligned. : )

Anonymous said...

I think you're right- it's important to highlight what you can bring to the table.

Sandie Castle said...

I agree with you all, but one thing that is: the damned LUCK, it sometimes, just makes a job. (Hi, I'm Sandie Castle)