
Twitter Is Not The Panacea For Customer Service

As many Fortune companies take the lead and adopt Twitter for customer service, social media is considered as the panacea for customer service by many organizations who are thinking of using it.
However, social media is not the cure for bad customer service.

Complaining over tweets doesn't help the customer service people to give prompt feedback. There is no Twitter magic. It is just people working behind their laptops trying to satisfy angry customers. Introducing Twitter will not change the customer service quality and timeliness, yet management and corporate policies will.

"If a company's DNA is not truly dedicated to listening and responding to customers in a genuine and timely manner, no technology will provide a solution," Lloyd Trufelman, president of Trylon SMR once commented.

That also explains why companies hesitate to open accounts on every single social media platform. It is too much for them to handle. Easier said than done. Below is a list of companies that provide off-hours service over Twitter. It is not a good idea to over-work the customer service staff. And this is a world that not all will be happy anyway.

What is your opinion? Do you believe that Twitter can improve customer service?  It doesn't hurt to make your voice heard. So please leave me some insights.

Thank you!


Kimberly said...

I definetely agree! I think Twitter can be a great way for organizations to promote new products etc but I do not think it is that great for customer service. In order to respond to customers, an organization would have to go through every tweet and retweet. I think that is way too much for even the best to handle.

Jing Zhao said...

@ Kimberly: Cannot agree more. I think it basically raise the cost of customer service...not very effective either.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Twitter can satisfy customer relation demands- as it is very limited. However, it could be a good place for initial contact. Personally, I would rather speak to someone over the phone or in person.